Sunday, April 3, 2011


I had created this artwork using the website This was one tool that I found quite different and interesting. This tool is called the "Web" tool. It makes the artwork look like a spider web which in my opinion it did its given job. There were the normal basic tools as well such as fill in, airbrush, the polygon tool, etc.

Is digital art a valid form of art?
In my point of view I think it is a valid form of art. My definition of art is expressing your imagination in the form of a painting, sculpture, anything for that matter. Its YOUR IMAGINATION, its YOUR IDEAS and YOUR INSPIRATION, it doesnt matter how you draw it. Your artworks show who you are and what you are all about. I think digital art is a valid form of art. In my view, even if someone paints on a canvas, there isnt much difference in what your art is all about. Digital Art should be a valid form of art.
Advantages of digital artwork
Some advantages are that you have an easier way to create your artwork. If your lacking something such as paint, etc, then you already have it on the program. You dont have to do as much hardwork as it would take if you were drawing it.
Skills needed
The skills you need is first a broad knowledge of the program, how it works, what tools do what job, etc. Prefferably, you should be a person who is comfortable with computers.

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